1) 為確保器材質素,需繳付按金港幣500元。如器材均無問題,按金會於1-2工作天內發還。 2) 如要取消或改期,請於24小時前通知我們。如有醫生到診紙,可以免費改期一次。如要取消則不能退回時租費用,按金則可退回。 3) 按金發還途徑會用PayMe或轉數快FPS,請小心填寫PayMe或轉數快FPS資料。 4) 請勿把三角鋼琴移離吸音地墊範圍,否則需賠償港幣3000元搬運費及調音費,按金同時亦會沒收,敬請合作。 5) 請勿代租,必須由租用者使用。一經發現,將會列入黑名單及按金同時亦會沒收,敬請合作。 6) 請入內脫鞋或歡迎使用鞋膜機。請小心操作鞋膜機,因機身含有刀片。 7) 請遠離鋼琴及在換鞋區飲水,請勿在場地內進食。 8) 如發現場地、器材或三角鋼琴有損壞,按金則會不作發還,及需照價賠償。請大家珍惜場地、器材及三角鋼琴。 9) 如對埸地、器材或三角鋼琴使用有疑問及意見,歡迎WhatsApp查詢及發表。 1) To ensure the quality of the equipment, a deposit of HK$500 is required. If there are no problems with the equipment, the deposit will be returned within 1-2 working days. 2) If you want to cancel or reschedule, please notify us 24 hours in advance. If you have a doctor's appointment slip, you can reschedule your appointment for free once. If you cancel, the hourly rental fee cannot be refunded, but the deposit can be refunded. 3) PayMe or FPS will be used for repayment. Please fill in the PayMe or FPS information carefully. 4) Please do not move the grand piano out of the sound-absorbing mat area, otherwise you will be required to pay HK$3,000 for transportation and tuning fees. The deposit will also be forfeited. Thank you for your cooperation. 5) Please do not rent on behalf of others. It must be used by the renter. Once discovered, you will be blacklisted and your deposit will be confiscated. Thank you for your cooperation. 6) Please take off your shoes before entering or use the shoe laminating machine. Please operate the shoe laminating machine carefully because there are blades on the machine body. 7) Please stay away from the grand piano and drink water in the shoe changing area. Do not eat or drink in the venue. 8) If the venue, equipment or grand piano is found to be damaged, the deposit will not be refunded, and compensation according to the price. Please cherish the venue, equipment and piano. 9) If you have any questions or opinions about the venue, equipment or grand piano usage, please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp.
百寶利商業中心 Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A 西洋菜南街旺角九龍 Hong Kong